The eldest three of the fourth generation, Dawn, Delmarya (Deli), and Dysis, applied to university and for scholarships.
Dawn had an unlucky time. Despite being a straight-A student in high school, she was rejected from all distinguished programs and failed to get any scholarships. She shook off the disappointment and enrolled in Britechester for biology.
Deli, being the overachiever of overachievers, was accepted into many distinguished programs and got every scholarship she applied for plus another one for merit. Given her dreams of having an illustrious career in conservationism, she enrolled in Foxbury’s distinguished degree biology program for 0 simoleons thanks to her full ride.

Dysis also got a full ride. She enrolled in Foxbury’s distinguished program for economics.
During the downtime between high school and university, Dawn and Dysis relaxed. Deli began working a full-time job related to conservationism. As a land surveyor, she was often tasked with photographing Sulani and spreading environmental awareness to others.

She loved her job. She got to explore Sulani’s islands and learn more about them. However, she had two major concerns: 1) she would soon have a more than full course load at university as she’d be taking four classes—could she manage both classes and her job? Would it just be managing or would she be able to excel? 2) She was a vampire who often worked outside and whose job subjected her to sunlight. Despite her academic achievements and general work ethic, when it came to being a vampire, she was mediocre at best, which concerned her father, Asher, a lot. If Deli put just a bit more effort into being a vampire, she’d no longer burn in the sun.

He was proud of her and they’d been getting along surprising well as of late, but whenever he encouraged her to put some effort into being a vampire or offered to train her, she brushed him off.
Deli was already a bit unsatisfied with her level of “humanity.” She was afraid she’d change even more and start hissing uncontrollably or sleeping in coffins if she became a more powerful vampire.
Deli never raised her concerns directly with her father, but he went ahead and tried to convince her of the upsides of sleeping in coffins and such.

To say the least, she wasn’t convinced.
Deli simply stuck to doing most of her work at night.

Meanwhile, Dawn decided that she actually didn’t want to marry Aaron, her first kiss. He was sweet, but he wasn’t actually her type. (For a refresher, see Dawn’s First Kiss.)
Antonio was her type and she knew it—or at least, she thought she knew it. He wasn’t as stylish as Aaron, but he had a calm down-to-earth vibe that she thought meshed well with her own laid back personality.
Knowing that she’d be busy and not wanting anyone else to snatch him up, she decided to go for something with Antonio.

He was into it. They even shared a little kiss.

After the peck, they decided to try dating. Antonio agreed to be her boyfriend and Dawn couldn’t have been more thrilled.

Unfortunately, before they could go on a real date, word came that there’d been a death in the family.
Fortunately?, it wasn’t a direct relative, but still … Calanthe’s husband died. Calanthe was Asher’s second daughter (ninth child overall), a vampire, absolutely stunning and a business tycoon. She lived in a fancy, but small-ish apartment in San Myshuno.
Everyone rushed over as soon as they could. Asher immediately gave her a huge hug, because he wasn’t always bad and did understand some basics about behavior.

Deli had never met Calanthe’s husband, but she was particularly disturbed by the news of his death. Would her sister remarry? Would she continue remarrying as she outlived each of her husbands and if she did would that affect how she felt about each of them? Would she become numb to their deaths? What about her children?
She’d seen pictures of her sister’s wedding. It’d happened before Deli was born, but it’d been beautiful.

However, one photo stuck in her memory as she’d thought her eldest sister, Aster, had looked quite mean.

But maybe Aster had only been worried about this. Deli had no idea about what had been said then or if their serious expressions had even meant anything at all. Deli just wondered about her own relationships. If she remained a vampire, would she marry? If so, what would it be like when her own husband died? Her father kept the vampire population tiny, so it was unlikely that there would be any for either of them to ever marry.
Dysis had similar thoughts, but from a different perspective, a human one. First, though, she embraced her sister.

Dysis idolized and really felt for Calanthe. Calanthe had made a lot of money in business and Dysis wanted to do the same, but she wondered how the immortals in her family felt about her. Her father, for instance, loved her in his own way, but it was also obvious that he paid more attention to those who were vampires like him. Was this because her life would probably be incredibly short compared to his? He’d already outlived six of his children.
Regardless, Dysis wanted to have an unforgettable existence and she was happy that she’d been able to earn a full-ride to university just like Deli and that maybe she’d be able to become a business tycoon just like Calanthe even though she needed to sleep, eat, and do other human things.
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