It’s still Dawn’s birthday. After an odd morning of burnt birthday food, she celebrated at Peacemaker’s Bongo Kongo Club in town because she wanted to get out, explore, and try new things.
First up, she was excited to try flirting, to try being in a relationship with a young man. Pumped, Dawn tried flirting with the first man she saw.

It didn’t go well.
Meanwhile, her sisters (minus Deli who was working) were enjoying the party and birthday cake.

Her brother, Darius, though, was trying to come off as distingué, mature and sophisticated. Even though he sat with a drink and looked older than his age, he couldn’t act naturally enough to satisfy those around him (his older sisters), so he was ignored by them.

Giving up on that, Darius got up. He began practicing poses for his Simstagram. He’d hear that arched eyebrows and opened eyes would make him appear more attractive, awake, and photogenic. But he’d yet to master the look.

Regardless, when Dawn sat down to rethink her dating strategy, she noticed that she wasn’t feeling well. She was actually very sick and contagious, so it was time to go home.

Back at home, Darius quit being “mature” and decided to build a sand castle with his twin, Dyna.

Dawn’s mother, Star, was at the house. Dawn unloaded on her, telling her all about her less than stellar birthday: the fire that destroyed her special birthday breakfast, her first attempt at flirting and it ending in failure, and then her having to leave her own party early because she became sick.

Star: Have a cup of tea. It’ll help you feel better and tomorrow’s another day.
Dawn: Yes, you’re right …
Star: There’ll be a new dawn tomorrow. 😉
Dawn: Stop. I get it. That’s not funny.
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