Adelise gave birth to a baby girl at the family’s home in San Myshuno while a nervous Asher waited outside.

Asher named his youngest daughter Elmire (pronounced Elle-meer), meaning wealthy, famous princess. She was born in a palace, and, in his opinion, the daughter of a very intelligent, powerful, and rich man, so it was fitting that she should be called princess, especially given that everyone should treat her like a princess.

Asher had big plans for Elmire: he would raise her well and teach her many things (with his wife’s help here and there). He wasn’t sure if his pre-natal lessons had any effect, but as Elmire was his daughter, he was sure that she’d grow up to be incredibly capable, just like her siblings.
Some people may call this burdensome and putting too much pressure on your child, but Asher called it “good parenting.”
Deli came to say hi.

Asher also decided that now was the time to resign as Chief Sustainability Officer and embark on a new career in education because everyone could benefit from his genius.

In celebration of his daughter’s birth and his job, he played a concerto on the piano, hoping the sound would travel up to the nursery.

Meanwhile, Rashad asked Dysis about moving out of her family’s home. Lately, he’d been bringing up the topic in a roundabout way fairly often.

She wanted to progress in her career and become a bona fide angel investor first, so she wasn’t interested in moving or marriage just yet, but she clearly expressed that she was still interested in him.

December 7, 2021 at 12:46 am[Asher had big plans for Elmire]
I agree with the people that would call it putting too much pressure on a child. I’m very much of the belief that children are little glowing balls of possibility, so to speak, but it is very much up to themselves to develop interests and passions and, eventually, their own person. Parents can show them new things and introduce hobbies/interests, but shouldn’t force their own idea of what a child should become onto them.
At the same time, encouragement, education and proper life lessons are crucial, too, edpecially from parents. Hm. It’s a tricky thing to balance, parenthood.
December 7, 2021 at 1:50 amI agree. It’s a hard balance to strike, and both Asher and Adelise are… You noted before that they were overbearing, which is right. But I think Asher is more of a “you are” and I want to help you realize all of that potential and less of a “you need to change or become” type of parent. He’s also arrogant and bad with boundaries, so it’s messy. He’s extremely lucky too. His name “Asher” means blessed. Without spoiling anything, he won a million simoleons in the lottery (and then his household won again so I deleted the lottery) and things generally tend to go in his favor even when it’s a bit infuriating/unfair, but maybe that also explains some of his arrogance.
Snow ~
January 18, 2022 at 12:11 amI love the little birth certficate and the handwritten font! ;-;
When I first read this story, my preconception of Asher is that he would be a really dark and evil and abusively-pushy father like a lot of vampire patriarchs in other stories, but unless I’ve missed/forgotten something- it just comes across to me that he doesn’t know any better, which also came across in him not knowing how to help Deli out as well. He wants to do well for his kids but doesn’t realise he’s not always letting them become what they want to be instead of what he thinks is best for them. That, and a dad isn’t always going to know how to understand what his daughters want/need. And I get the subconscious feeling that the way he probably deals with his kids’ problems, is how his generation were taught to deal with their own. Of course things are different now, but if their advice ‘worked for him’ why would he tell his kids any different?
January 18, 2022 at 7:48 pmThank you! This comment is helpful. It’s great for me to see how my characters are perceived. It’s not my intention for Asher to be really dark and evil. He likes his kids, but … it’s like you say. He may have many areas to improve. I like how you have a theory for why his parenting is off.
I’m unfamiliar with mainstream vampire stories. I’m not sure how good or bad that is, but I’ve never read or seen any, except I read Twilight… I’ve obviously heard of Dracula and Interview with the Vampire before, but I’m not familiar with vampire tropes like how a vampire patriarch is supposed to be.