
Money and Music

Money was tighter. Earlier, while trying to encourage environmentally conscious behavior, the government glitched its system for assessing amounts owed for utilities and taxes. It had finally fixed that and the Fiers’ newer, higher, accurately assessed bills were in.

The main Fier home was the size of a small palace, so bills would likely always be over 50,000 simoleons despite the various solar panels, wind turbines, and dew collectors on the property. Adelise was looking into improving the power/water situation, though, and hoped to make the home self-sufficient in terms of those utilities.

Recently, the family had also spent hundreds of thousands of simoleons on graduation gifts, home renovations, apartment furnishings, etc. for the 4 young adults who had just moved out. They were even considering building another home in Mt. Komorebi.

Regardless, Asher remained confident in his ability to generate income. He wasn’t going to stop enjoying one of his hobbies because there were more expenses.

In his mind, he was a badass who would always be rich. He and his wife had built his family’s wealth from almost nothing and no one could ever accomplish what he was currently accomplishing. He could burn his money by the 10,000s and not be bothered at all, so he luxuriated in his sense of superiority by setting bills aflame. Asher also reasoned that he was combatting inflation.

For the record, no one else in the family witnessed that. In fact, Adelise was inside with Elmire discussing the work that went into housekeeping and good financial practices.

Anyway, when Asher returned from playing with fire and intentionally damaging the family’s financial health, he helped Elmire race through her homework and then joined her at the piano. He also contributed to the housekeeping by placing dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Despite his destructive hobbies, he wasn’t actually trying to sabotage himself or his family.

Elmire had been invited to perform at a small talent showcase that was being hosted at a local lounge. The family wanted to check it out.

Elmire intended to play a concerto she’d been working on while also going to school, drawing, playing outside, conducting her musical experiments, etc. For a child, she was shockingly good at the piano. To many, she had the appearance of someone whose parents forced her to relentlessly drill scales and various finger exercises while practicing 7-10 hours a day every single day without exceptions, but her life wasn’t like that. She put a few hours of intelligent and intense practice in daily, mostly concentrating on playing what she liked and while her father gave mostly helpful feedback, and then she did other things.

The venue was small and Asher was okay with small, but he wasn’t okay with some of those who were performing. They stunk and he wouldn’t pretend otherwise. The accidental out-of-tuneness and off-beatness were intolerable. It went without saying that, by absolutely any metric, his youngest child was much better.

Elmire didn’t mind the others. She was just excited for her first public performance.

She was shocked by how much she loved performing. She got to meet a new piano that was sweeter and less sensitive than Cocoa (even though Cocoa had Elmire’s heart, of course). She also got to play something fast, fun, and joyful that everyone seemed to enjoy. One man even tipped her! And she met a girl (actually her relative) who loved music and they became fast friends.

Elmire hoped to perform again and again and again… She was already thinking about things she wanted to improve and other things she wanted to try. Music wasn’t magical in the way that she had originally thought, but there was definitely a certain magic to it, because she was developing another voice through music that was expressive and powerful, even without words.

At any rate, she wasn’t the only one in the family who performed. Deli played her guitar. Adelise sang.


  • sims_Yimi
    March 9, 2022 at 10:15 pm

    That’s a mighty large bill. But it’s mighty large mansion, so that’s fitting. Oof, combatting inflation by setting bills on fire is… well. Asher has never been the most empathic or understanding person, so that’s part for the course, but still 🤣 ouch. Why don’t you give some of those bills to the poor and homeless to combat inflation instead, Asher? Asher? Hello? 😆

    Aww, Elmire’s first performance! I love how much she bonds with the instruments she plays, from her favourite Cocoa to the piano at the performance area. Seems like she has a bright future as a musician ahead of her. I wonder if she’ll end up as a major celebrity. That picture of her behind the piano and zoomed in on her amazed face really makes it look like she just discovered an entirely new world to play around in.

    • Haneul
      March 10, 2022 at 8:56 am

      Yes, giving that money away would be the better thing for Asher to do, but like you said he’s not the most thoughtful person. He’s given money away before so he doesn’t have anything against that and he probably intends to donate money again in the future, so there’s that. Still, I don’t use money cheats, so he needs to be careful and not burn all of his (family’s) money. Those bills will likely only increase.

      I don’t think I’ve had a Sim ever look so in awe after a performance before. Elmire is addicted to music. She may become a major celebrity, but I don’t know if that will be as easy for her as it should be\seems it could be. She could also decide to do something else entirely. She’s still just a kid.

      So many of these screenshots had headline effects on (because for some reason I couldn’t be bothered to turn it off) so I was really annoyed with my past self/worried about posting these and since I’m gameplay-based I couldn’t go back and fix them. But I’m happy that Elmire’s expressions while playing came through.

  • Ninja Pink Sex
    March 14, 2022 at 2:20 am

    Asher HAS money to burn… So it makes sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Although burning it in the yard seems a bit foolish 😬 good thing it wasn’t windy.
    Elmire’s love of music wins my heart 💕 Music flows through her — she understands it on more than an academic or even artistic level. She is music.
    I love how Asher has no filter. You, kid performing, you stink! 😅🤣 When you’ve lived as long as he has, I’m sure you just don’t mess around with words.
    Great story!!

    • Haneul
      March 14, 2022 at 10:53 am

      I didn’t think about it before, but he figuratively (and apparently literally) has money to burn, great point. 🙂 Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to take fire seriously. Can vampires die in a fire? He may think they can’t and he plays with fire anyway, so… if the house burns we may know who to blame. Thanks for your comments on Elmire. She has other interests, but she’s obsessed with all things music and likes to do the same musical activity a thousand times in a row.

  • Snow ~
    March 15, 2022 at 2:51 am

    Still feel BLUGH but a Fiers fix will help with that : p

    Asher you could have bought yourself something fancy with that money you’re burning! : p

    Yeah, I bet everyone sees Elmire as ‘she’s from a rich family, so it must be that they force her to be a piano genius!’ When in reality she just has a family who helps her realise her dreams and encourages her to do something she’s passionate about 🥰

    I laughed so much at Asher’s ‘they all stink, my daughter is the best!’ attitude ! Bless him : p

    I’m glad Elmire got to meet like-minded people and make new friends. I also like how she has a personal connection to the pianos. I hope she goes far 🥰

    • Haneul
      March 16, 2022 at 5:29 pm

      Thank you! I hope you’re feeling at least somewhat better now.

      At this time in my gameplay, Asher was so moody. He doesn’t/didn’t have the high maintenance trait, but I think he acted like it. He was fine with his family, but other little things would upset him and he would make faces and complain.

      I’m glad you like Elmire. She’s just a kid, though, so we’ll see how she does with music/the piano in the future.


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